How to Set CMYK Black Values
Top 10 Designer Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them).
To set CMYK values in Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign (solid black):
Go to the color palette (F6) and set the CMYK sliders as shown, then apply the new color to the appropriate rich black elements.
To set CMYK values in Photoshop (percentages of black):
Go to Image>Adjustments>Selective Color. Choose Colors: Black. Subtract the necessary percentages from Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. Add the necessary percentage to Black (if needed.) For example, if you used 80 Cyan - 70 Magenta - 70 Yellow - 90 Black, your adjustments would be -20%, -20%, -20%, +10%.
To set CMYK values in QuarkXpress:
Go to Edit / Colors and click on New. Set Model to CMYK, deselect spot colors, input the proper CMYK values, and click OK. Then click Save, and apply your new color to the appropriate rich black elements.